Sunday, 16 January 2011

Ancillary Task: Poster Research

A Deadly Silence
This poster has been created in a way that successfully conveys the genre to the audience. The fact that the two characters on the poster are silhouettes creates mystery around them which would intrigue the audience making them want to watch the film to find out about them. The image as a whole helps to introduce the horror elements of the film as it quite dark and not showing the characters adds to the uncertainty. This aspect could be quite unsettling to the audience before even watching the film which would attract them to it. The tagline "a dark secret kept hidden for too long is in danger of becoming..." is a clue to the events which will unfold during the short film. It is placed near the top and in the centre of the poster so it grabs peoples attention and also adds to the dark nature of the film. The fact that the title is in red also signifies that it is a horror film and it is most commonly associated with danger, anger and blood, all of which feature in the film.

Chasing Cotards
Chasing Cotards is a short film about an artist's life after the death of his wife. The actors names feature at the top of the poster, as they would on feature film posters, which would interest fans of the cast to the film. The colouring and blank expression of the character in this poster conveys the idea of him believing himself to be dead (Cotard's syndrome) which is the plot of the film. The flower pattern on the poster is used to show the artistic nature of the character and is also the wallpaper in the character's house where a painting of his wife is hanging which is a prominent feature of the film. The tagline "sometimes believing you're dead is easier than knowing you're alive" is an obvious link to the characters feelings within the film as he is dealing with the fact his wife has recently died.